
Industriepark Nord II Nr. 61
D-53567 Buchholz-Mendt
Phone: +49 (0) 2683 966717
Fax: +49 (0) 2683 966719

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Company profile

Foundation: 01.07.1969
Head office: Buchholz-Mendt
Specialized company according §19.1 WHG

Our Strength

Quality, Flexibility, Reliability, troubleshooting, Innovations

Extract of our lines of activities/ products:

From our references:

Abel GmbH
AKW Apparate und Verfahren GmbH
BDR Thermea France S.A.S.
Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH
Heinrichs Messtechnik GmbH
Herz GmbH
JCT Analysentechnik GmbH
Laserline GmbH
Mecon GmbH
Neutralox Umwelttechnik GmbH
Pecher Technik GmbH
Riello S.P.A.
Romold GmbH
Smurfit Kappa Zülpich Papier GmbH
Vaillant GmbH
VSS Umwelttechnik GmbH
… and more

GIA History

The company was founded on the 9th of July 1969 in Bad Godesberg, at first in the name of „Döhmen and Petersen GmbH“. The main part of production included fittings for Dynamit Nobel AG’s PVC-Trocal program. Furhtermore testing bells and some parts belonging to the apparatus construction have been manufactured already.

Due to a constantly growing number of clients, production has been expanded and our workforce increased up to 10 employees.

Along with another expansion including the manufacturing of ventilation systems, surge water tanks, water softening installations and larger containers we moved to a new production hall in Sinzig on the 27 of January 1978 and changed our name into GIA Gesellschaft für Ingenieur-und Apparatebau m.b.H.

An increasing number of on-site assemblies lead to a continous enlargement of our company up to a workforce of about 20 employees.

A first job order production of neutralisation units around 1990 resulted in taking over a further business field, which then has been expanded and completed with own developments constantly.

In order to extend the production of containers and tanks we relocated this part of production to a new Hall No1 in our second plant in Buchholz –Mendt. The restructuring of our company, change of location and a further specialisation in serial production lead to a decrease of our number of employees to 15.

Owing to the corporate structure, quality management und future requirements we started another expansion by extending our building with Hall No2 and merging together with our head office.

Buchhoz-Mendt has been declared to become our head office on the 10 of April 2002.